Saturday, July 14, 2012

Building a Solar Lantern

Here is a guideline for making a hanging solar lantern. You can add gewgaws and pretties once you have a basic construction idea.

Small glass jar (clean the glue off with rubbing alchohol)
Small solar yard light (removed from stake, but retaining clear plastic piece)
Chain and matching wire (Available at Michaels or bead stores)
Jeweler pliers set
Drill with small bit
Screw driver

1. Trace the outline of the solar light in the center of the lid.

2. Drill holes on the line all the way around. Drill from the top of the lid.

3. Use a screw driver to punch through the metal, again from the top down. This is so the jagged metal is inside the jar and won't cut you. It helps to place a cap (like a milk jug or pill bottle top) under the lid as you do this to prevent the metal from getting bent out of shape.

4. Reassemble the jar and drop the light inside.
5. Cut a piece of chain to go around jar under glass ridge. It has to be tight enough that the jar won't slip out, but loose enough that you can still manipulate it.
6. Measure chain and divide into quarters or thirds depending on your taste.

7. Attach a jump ring at each third (or quarter) point. See below for a how to make jump rings. Try to keep your chain straight and attach the jump rings all on the same side.

8. Measure the desired length of chain in three identical pieces. Attach each one to the jump ring on the main chain.

9. Wrap the main chain around the jar and connect. You can use the links of the chain like a jump ring here so there is no obvious attachment point. This is tricky, like putting on your own bracelet, so be prepared for some swearing.

10. Attach the three chains at the top with a jump ring and you are set!

11. Add a small length of chain to the top and use fishing line to hang it from the ceiling.

Making Jump Rings (You can buy these, but they are easy to make too.)
1. Wrap your wire around something with the proper diameter. I used a bamboo skewer here.

2. Cut rings with your pliers.

Tip: When opening a jump ring, never open it like a packman opening his mouth, but instead twist the opening sideways so you retain the circular shape. Close in the same manner. 

Beaded Links
In some of my lanterns, you can see beads in the chain, here is how to add them. You have to make a beaded link and insert it into the chain.
1. Cut a piece of wire. I have been doing this for a while, so I can guess the length pretty well, but for beginners, its better to cut it a little long since you can always trim the extra.

2. , Using round nose pliers, bend the wire in an eye at one end. I know this looks easier than it is, but I found its best to bend the wire to a 35 degree angle with two flat pliers before you try to make the loop.

3. Add your bead.

4. Put an eye on the other end.

Tip: For opening the eyes on a these, the same rules apply as on opening a jump ring. 

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